Keep every cable tidy from day one in your new workplace

Time to Relocate the Office

There are a number of must-do tasks that have to be performed when a company moves into a new office, and one of them is to bring in a regime of efficient cable management. Too many commercial workplaces are unkempt, untidy and unloved, but when a relocation is in the air there is a chance to start all over again. No wonder so many managers, directors and owners decide that this is the moment to start practising what they have been preaching for the previous months, years and sometimes even decades.

Those of us who are fortunate enough to work in locations which are clean and tidy, it might be rather difficult to imagine what it must be like for others. Some people in life actually like to have a little clutter here and there, of course, but there are plenty more who couldn’t imagine anything worse. For the latter group, the purchase of a cable organizer or two would seem to be a very wise investment indeed. We are all different in our own ways, of course, and that is part of the reason why everyday life is so fascinating.

It may not seem overly easy to keep every cable tidy in a busy office which plays host to a great many employees, but there is always something that can be done about the mess. And if a company is planning to relocate to another part of town, or even to the other side of the country, this could be the ideal time to start taking cable management more seriously. There have always been perfect opportunities to turn over a new life every now and then, and the move to a brand new workplace really should represent another one.

Whether you work for a Hampshire social services unit, a Sussex recruitment agency or a London accountancy firm, you will no doubt already know about the importance of feeling happy and contented when you are at your desk. The more comfortable you feel, the more productive you are likely to become. Many research projects over the years have linked contentment to production, so those whose job it is to motivate should realise the importance of keeping every cable tidy in a bid to maintain the happiness of the workforce. Every chance to succeed always needs to be explored at every opportunity.

A good quality cable organizer is a must-have these days


Whenever a commercial organisation is considering a move from one location to another, there will be a number of issues that have to be dealt with. They will include the move itself, the convenience of public transport and road networks, the amenities within the new building and the acquisition of new furniture and equipment. Those employees who have to take care of this latter aspect will be well advised to give some thought to the purchase of products that will help them to be more efficient at effective cable management.

While some of us will think about the more aesthetic reasons to keep every cable tidy, it should be pointed out that there is also a health and safety issue to bear in mind. Every time you see a loose wire that could cause a trip hazard at some point in the future, you should be reminded of the importance of a good quality cable organizer. This is a hugely important matter for everyone to think about, because the potential for harm, including some very serious injuries, should never be underestimated. Sad to say, there are times when it is.

We may think that effective cable management is more of an issue for some people than it is for others, but in truth it’s the responsibility of everyone. It may well be that the average Crawley electrician will have more cause to think about keeping every cable tidy during an installation in a house or a business premises, of course, but even someone who works from home in a converted spare room that now serves as an office should also take the matter seriously. The personal safety of everyone is something we should all be looking out for at all times.

There was a time when many thousands of people in the UK worked in places which were, to put it bluntly, extremely dangerous. Coalmines, shipyards, foundries and factories provided plenty of jobs, of course, but in many cases their safety records left a lot to be desired. With more and more people in the 21st century earning their living in offices, we have an opportunity to make sure men and women are safer when they start their shift. And if that means taking all the necessary steps to keep every cable tidy, then so be it. This is a small price to pay for peace on mind.

Don’t let the sound barriers put you off when you’re house-hunting

Time to Hunt for a House

We all know how stressful it can be to look for a new home, but there is no need to let the presence of noise barriers worry you. If you see a line of acoustic fencing in one street, it will not necessarily mean that the whole neighbourhood will suffer from an excess of outside sound. Neighbourhoods around Gatwick Airport in West Sussex have to contend with a number of planes landing and taking off throughout the day, of course, but most of the local residents rarely even notice the noise at all.

In some cases, this is because they will have become accustomed to the sound, of course. If you speak to people who live on busy roads in the heart of central London, they will usually tell you they don’t really hear the traffic passing by through the day and even into the night. In many cases, the noise levels will be rather high, but the people have managed over the years to zone out the racket to such an extent that they hardly ever acknowledge it. It’s the same scenario for some people whose homes are close to some of the UK’s busiest airports.

Having said that, it should also be noted that the many sound barriers in the surrounding area will be performing a vital task at all times. These exceptionally effective assets manage to absorb, deflect and muffle the noise caused by planes coming in from all over the world. Even during the summer months, when passenger numbers are at their highest, a great deal of noise will be averted by the lines of acoustic fencing which are to be found close to the runway. Even the noisiest airplanes can cause less disruption when noise barriers have been erected nearby.

For the potential home buyer, sound barriers are only part of the story. There are a great many more factors which need to be taken into consideration, one of which is the provision and quality of local schools. Parents of young children, even those kids who are not yet old enough to start their education, will have no doubt done a great deal of research about the educational standards in the region. This could even be something of a deal breaker to parents, and may result in an offer on a house or flat being withdrawn.

The provision of acoustic fencing is only one item that needs to be considered


While there might or might not be noise barriers in the area, potential owners will want to tick a number of other boxes as well. One of them will be in regard to the daily commute that the individual may or may not have from their new property. If a Crawley electrician, to use an example, faces a daily train or bus journey to work in London, there will need to be some research about journey distances and times. After all, if the commute becomes too much to bear, the move will have been a disappointing one.

Needless to say, there will be many other people who face a far longer commute than one from West Sussex. It seems strange to comprehend, but some hardy souls make their way into London from as far afield as Peterborough, Cambridge, Norwich and Milton Keynes. They spend an inordinate amount of time on trains in the mornings and in the evenings, but they have obviously gone into a great deal of research before agreeing to take on such on onerous daily journey.

If you are thinking about moving jobs at the moment, you should speak to the experts at a specialist recruitment agency at the earliest opportunity. These specialists will know how to match the right people to the right roles, and they can usually impart some excellent insight along the way. While acoustic fencing and good schools are extremely important aspects to consider, the locations of the home and the place of employment are hugely influential to those who are looking to move. Thankfully, the job market in the UK has been steadily recovering in recent months, so there are more vacancies for job seekers to choose from.

One of the other attractions of a particular neighbourhood will be related to the provision of parks, gardens and open spaces in the chosen area. We all love to spend some time in the fresh air, of course, especially perhaps during the summer months. There are few things in life more fulfilling than a peaceful and tranquil afternoon in the park with the family, so houses and flats which are close by will always be a little more popular than others. It seems we place a high premium of serenity, and that’s why acoustic fencing has become something of a must-have in the modern era.